Creating a User

To add a new user to the portal, click the User button on the left side menu under Admin. 

When the Add User button is pressed, a window will pop-up asking for the information needed to set up a new user in TD Complete.

To add users, click the +Add button 

Fields with an asterisk are required to be filled in.

  • First Name - The user’s first name

  • Last Name - The user’s last name

  • Email - The employee’s email address.  This email address will serve as the employee’s username.

  • Password - The employee’s password. Upon the first login, they will need to create a permanent password.

  • Confirm Password - The employee’s password should be re-entered to ensure that it was properly entered into the system.

  • Employee Id - The user’s employee identification number

  • Location - The location to which the employee is located. The location determines which credit applications and sales order that the employee has access.
  • The user’s roles. Options include: Sales Admin, Sales Manager, and Sales Associate.  For more information about roles, visit [Security and Roles]
  • Time Zone

Various Roles and their Meanings for the Versatile Finance Portal: 

*Versatile Finance Portal has special requirements for passwords to promote strong password strength and good security. 

When the required information has been entered, press the Save button to create a new user account.   

Optionally, press the Cancel button to cancel this operation;  the user account would not be created.